搭梯子 教程
Top 100 America’s
Best Colleges
— U.S. News & World Report
No. 6 in the nation
for job placement
— Zippia, U.S. Department of Education data
A Catholic, Jesuit
in the heart of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The latest coronavirus information and fall 2023 updates: marquette.edu/coronavirus.
In honor of Marquette University's 50th anniversary of the Educational Opportunity Program, President Michael R. Lovell announced in June 2023 the creation of a President’s Commission on Racial Equity (CORE).
Join the commission
83 majors and 80 minors
什么加速器能上外网90+ certificate, master’s and doctoral degree programs
Discover Our Graduate Programs国产智能手机“逆袭”之后如何“完胜”? 安徽日报:2021-7-22 · 也携5款高端4G智能手机亮相第三届GS-MA2021年亚洲移动通信博览会。有专家指出,不论是国内市场还是国外市场,高端4G领域将成为国内外厂商刺刀见红的新地带。4G的到来让国产智能手机厂商迎来了反超良机,也加速了智能手机市场的洗牌。
Connect With Online Learning网络威胁报告指网络罪犯通过表单劫持牟取暴利:2021-3-7 · 网络威胁报告指网络罪犯通过表单劫持牟取暴利 中国新闻网 2021-03-07 20:53 188 中新网 北京3月7日电 (记者 高凯)7日,2021年《互联网安全威胁报告 ...
Examine Our Professional Health Programs全球加速器
2021年度最受用户欢迎的10款应用 值得一试 - cnr.cn:2021-12-21 · Hardbound(iOS版本)解释起来可能有点困难,但独一无二就是它的标签。 想象一下,App伍图文交互的方式为你推送每天的重大新闻,每篇文章都采用大量图示搭配一点点文字的形式,通常只需要 5 分钟左右的阅读时间,很容易为读者消化,手指一滑就获得大量资讯,让看新闻也有了乐趣。Nationally ranked MBA programs
Review Our World-Class Master's ProgramsBest Value
in private colleges
student-to-faculty ratio
Average class size
of our alumni are
full time or in graduate school
— Undergraduate Alumni Survey 2017
of students with
full-time employment
said their job was
— Undergraduate First Destination Survey 2018
of our alumni are
full time
10 years after graduation.
— Zippia, U.S. Dept. of Education data
Marissa Evans, Comm ’13, brings maternal health issues out of the shadows and into the national spotlight with her award-winning reporting at The Texas Tribune.
Neal Lofy, Arts ’04, a police detective and FBI Unsung Hero Award winner, is committed to helping victims of human trafficking rebuild their lives.
$15.5 million
The dollar amount of donated dental services that Marquette dentistry students provide annually to more than 17,000 patients through our Milwaukee clinics.
Nonprofit organizations/schools in the greater Milwaukee area that have benefited from 168,000 hours of service provided by Burke Scholars since the program began 25 years ago.
$40 million
Combined investment by Northwestern Mutual, Marquette University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to create Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute.
This collaboration within the human services, health care, educational and criminal justice sectors that is bringing Wisconsin to the forefront of the trauma-informed care movement.
Developed in partnership with the Johnson Controls Foundation, this initiative provides a $250,000, two-year grant for a proposal that seeks to change the trajectory of lives in our community.